Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wireless Irrigation System Using Mobile Phone

Wireless Irrigation System Using Mobile Phone Abstraction–The purpose of this work is simplify the irrigation system utilizing cellular telephone. It is a radio control system for exchanging on/off of H2O pump by which a husbandman can easy command the irrigation of his field from any location. In rural country, changelesselectricity fluctuation and irregular power handiness are day-to-day jobs faced by many husbandmans for a long clip. To rectify such type of job, we developed a radio irrigation system. Farmer merely demands to name a fixed figure and so he can supervise the irrigation system easy. So this system will alleviate the adversities of husbandmans by replacing the manual control of H2O pump with the radio automatic control. Keywords—DTMF decipherer, Wireless control, Irrigation system, Mobile phone, Relay I. Introduction There have been drastic socio-economic developments in the life of both rural and urban people since the debut of nomadic phones in India. With latest promotions in engineering and mass production of nomadic phones in the market, they have been used in every walk of life which includes mechanization work. The agribusiness industry is no manner behind in including these technological promotions [ 1 ] . With the approval of modern engineering, the crude method of agricultural plants is now altering and advanced methods are being introduced in it. Again the human head ever demands information of involvement to command systems of his/her pick. In the age of electronic systems it is of import to be able to command and get information from everyplace [ 2 ] . So this system allows us to upgrade the irrigation system with the aid of modern engineering. Using this system, the husbandman can command the irrigation from any topographic point. So he can provide the proper sum of H2O in his field. As a consequence, the production of his harvests will be much better. II. PROPOSED SYSTEM Previously, husbandmans were dependent to the rain H2O. Now with the progress in agricultural system, they supply H2O with the H2O pump in their field. But as electricity crisis is a common matter, frequent power failures is major hinderance for irrigation. Again their field is far from their abode sometimes. So it becomes hard to supervising the irrigation system ever. So we have developed a radio irrigation system which is controlled by an electronic device based on DTMF ( Duel Tone Multi Frequency ) engineering. By this, the husbandman can command the H2O pump through nomadic phone. When he sends any signal in the device, it responses with the bid. It switches on/off the H2O pump harmonizing to the input by the husbandman. DTMF ( Duel Tone Multi Frequency ) :DTMF is a generic communicating term for touch tone ( a Registered Trademark of AT & A ; T ) . The tones produced when dialing on the computer keyboard on the phone could be used to stand for the figures, and a separate tone is used for each figure. However, there is ever a opportunity that a random sound will be on the same frequence which will trip up the system. It was suggested that if two tones were used to represent a figure, the likeliness of a false signal occurring is ruled out. This is the footing of utilizing double tone in DTMF communicating. DTMF dialing uses a computer keyboard with 12 buttons. Each key pressed on the phone generates two tone of specific frequences, so a voice or a random signal can non copy the tones. One tone is generated from a high frequence group of tones and the other from low frequence group [ 2 ] . The frequences generated on pressing different phone keys are shown in the Table 1. Button Low Frequency ( Hz ) High Frequency ( Hz ) Key Frequency ( Hz ) 1 697 1209 1906 2 697 1337 2034 3 697 1477 2174 4 770 1209 1979 5 770 1337 2107 6 770 1477 2247 7 852 1209 2061 8 852 1337 2189 9 852 1477 2329 0 941 1209 2150 * 941 1337 2278 # 941 1477 2418 Table 1: Frequency generated on cardinal imperativeness. Fig. 1: Hardware of the proposed device The developed device for the irrigation system consists of some constituents such as DTMF IC, micro-controller, relay etc. In this undertaking, we have used DTMF decipherer IC ( MT8870 ) to bring forth the frequence. The relay operates the motor of H2O pump harmonizing to the bid given on the Mobile. III. WORKING PROTOTYPE The system works through DTMF engineering. Here, we have to utilize two nomadic phone, one should be kept with the device and another will be operated by the husbandman. Farmer merely have to call to another Mobile and imperativeness the predefined key to run the H2O pump. Fig. 2: Use in existent life When the husbandman makes a call to another phone, the operation starts with it. Then he presses the denoted button on his phone. It creates tones which is transferred to the other phone and received by the DTMF decipherer circuit. Then it filters the signal and gives the end product. There are four end products which are denoted by Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Each button generates different tone and the end product are besides created harmonizing to the tone. The end product is given below in table 2. Button Low Frequency ( Hz ) High Frequency ( Hz ) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1 697 1209 0 0 0 1 2 697 1336 0 0 1 0 3 697 1477 0 0 1 1 4 770 1209 0 1 0 0 5 770 1336 0 1 0 1 6 770 1477 0 1 1 0 7 852 1209 0 1 1 1 8 852 1336 1 0 0 0 9 852 1477 1 0 0 1 0 941 1209 1 0 1 0 * 941 1336 1 0 1 1 # 941 1477 1 1 0 0 Table 2: End product for different keys So we have to choose which button we want to utilize to run. Then that matching end product is sent to the micro-controller. After that, micro-controller will direct the pulsation to relay. Now relay will drive the motor. In this manner, the husbandman can easy run his operation system. The block diagram of this working process is given in figure 3. Fig. 3: Block diagram of working process IV. RESULTS & A ; DISCUSSIONS As this device aids to command the motor of H2O pump wirelessly, so it will assist to salvage the ingestion of power. Again we don’t have to be present to exchange on/off the H2O pump. So no more manual control will be. As we can provide the H2O in the field seasonably with the aid of this device, so the production will be much bigger and the husbandman will be benefited. The device is based on relay which can run really high H2O pumps. Again the cost of this device is really low. So that is rather low-cost for the husbandman. The husbandman can command the H2O supply to his field from any topographic point of the universe by merely pressing a button on his Mobile phone which is great for nonreader husbandmans. So with the execution of this undertaking, we can easy decrease many troubles in our agricultural system. V. CONCLUSION This proposed system provides an option to decrease the work of irrigation with the aid of nomadic engineering. It helps non merely to command the irrigation system but besides saves their clip needed to go to their field in order to exchange on/off the H2O pump. So there needs none to supervise the irrigation system instead timely irrigation can be easy ensured. So the production cost will lees than old which will be good for the husbandman. At-last we will promote the husbandmans to utilize this engineering for bettering their irrigation system to do maximal net income as good as to cut down the hard-work in monitoring H2O pump. Mentions [ 1 ] . V.Divya, A.Umamakeswari, â€Å"SMART IRRIGATION TECHNIQUE USING VOCAL COMMANDS† , International Journal of Engineering and Technology ( IJET ) , ISSN: 0975-4024, Vol 5 No. 1 Feb-Mar 2013. [ 2 ] . Tuljappa M Ladwa, Sanjay M Ladwa, R Sudharshan Kaarthik, Alok Ranjan Dhara, Nayan Dalei, â€Å"Control of Remote Domestic System Using DTMF â€Å" , ICICI-BME 2009 Bandung, Indonesia, page 69-74. [ 3 ] . EswaraRao Pandiripalli, Phani Ram Veeramachaneni, SambhaniMadhu Babu, Jafar Sadik, â€Å" INTERACTIVE IRRIGATION SYSTEM THROUGH MOBILE WITH IVR RESPONSE â€Å" , IJRET, Sep 2012, ISSN: 2319 – 1163, Vol No.1, page 36-40.

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