Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Parable of the Sadhu (Article review, answer specific questions) Essay

The Parable of the Sadhu (Article review, answer specific questions) - Essay Example The internal compass of an individual and the sense of duty combines together to provide the necessary emotional and ethical resources which can help an individual to take a stand whether against unethical behavior of an organization, a group, government or any community at large. (Tom Watson, 2007) In such a situation where we know that Apple’s products are loved by millions and have really made a difference in the lives of many. We need to however make a conscious decision as to whether taking stand will result into greatest good for the greatest number of people or not. Though the overall number of children working in factories producing goods for Apple is relatively low as compared to overall volume of business however the situation still requires that a stand need to be taken against a company which influences millions of its customers. As such the stand needs to be taken when the issue is affecting larger number of persons. (Machan, 2007) We need Sadhu in every situation where we face a gray area where we are unable to decide between what is right and wrong and what we need to do in a situation where we face a personal dilemma of whether to act or not. In this given crisis, it is relatively important to clearly decide whether we should continue to buy Apple’s products knowing fully well that the firm is engaged in practices which may not be ethical with relatively unethical consequences for the society at large. It may therefore warrant that individually we need to take the action. (Crane & Matten, 2007) Virtue ethics suggests that an individual’s ethical behavior is driven by the character of the person. The knowledge which has any bearing on human kind therefore is important and need to be properly put in place regardless of the overall consequences of the actions. The question of how much we can give of ourselves in this issue and create to relative awareness about the issues therefore depends upon two

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