Monday, August 19, 2019

Psychiatrist interviewing Heathcliff :: English Literature

Psychiatrist interviewing Heathcliff Psychiatrist: Hello, my name is Dr. Patel from the university of Bombay. I am here with a man whom has been to my surgery plenty of times to ask for advice and help, his name is Heathcliff. He is here to talk about his revenge on the people of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. So lets ask him how all this began and turned out. Hello Heathcliff, how can I help you? Heathcliff: I feel like I need to take revenge on some people that have treated me wrongly in the past. How could I refrain from doing this? Psychiatrist: Well, before I can make a judgment why don't you tell me a bit more about yourself. Heathcliff: Well, this all goes back to my childhood. I was found wondering the streets of Liverpool by a man named Mr. Earnshaw. Mr. Earnshaw already had two children by the names of Hindley and Catherine. During my time with the Earnshaw's, their son, Hindley, didn't treat me like one of the family. Hindley treated me as a slave because his father thought more of me than he did his other children. Obviously jealously was brought out of Hindley because of this. Hindley only began to treat me like this after his father had passed away because he inherited Wuthering Heights. Psychiatrist: I see, is this man Hindley the only person you feel you have to have revenge on. Heathcliff: No, there is another man by the name of Edgar Linton. The main reason I feel I need to bring revenge on this man is because he married the woman I loved. Psychiatrist: Yes, can you explain yourself a bit better about the subject? Heathcliff: During my time with the Earnshaw's I began to fall in love with their daughter, Catherine. I had loved her for a long time until one day I over-heard Catherine telling someone that she cannot marry me on account of my poor social standing. After this I left Withering Heights only to discover that she had married Edgar Linton just because he was an heir of a wealthy neighbouring family. Psychiatrist: OK, what else do you know about Edgar Linton? Heathcliff: I know that he was an heir to an estate called Thrushcross Grange. Psychiatrist: During your absence from Wuthering Heights what happened? Heathcliff: Whilst I was away from Wuthering Heights I decided that I should try to earn some money to keep me going, so I constantly read the employment page of every newspaper in England. Eventually I found an advertisement for a job as a courier, so I accepted it. I had arrived at work only to find it was a drugs courier's job.

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