Friday, August 9, 2019

Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments Essay - 3

Critically discuss the view that anti-globalisation arguments seriously undervalue the benefits that globalisation has delivered for all countries 01153 - Essay Example However, issues such as the global financial crisis and unethical practices of GlaxoSmithKline are unintended effects of globalisation. These occurrences are all caused by unethical human practices and therefore they do not provide substantial evidence that questions the benefits provided by globalisation (Benyon and Dunkerley, 2000). Financial crisis was mainly triggered by an uncontrolled greed for profit of various businessmen who aided several unethical practices that includes accounts manipulation, complex product development and illicit trading. 6 Globalization indicates the opportunity of nationalistic and local perspectives towards a broader view of an interdependent and interconnected world with open transfer of goods, capital, and services athwart national frontiers. It defines the way people and countries interrelate and integrate (Mahajan, 2006). Globalization includes many sections and can be cultural, political, and economic. Political globalization is termed as how nations and institutions influence the entire world. Economic globalization is referred to how nations are coming collectively as one immense global economy. Cultural globalization is referred to how customs is becoming uniform, which implies that people across the world perform in a similar manner (Mott, 2004). Anti-globalization is defined as a movement to oppose the globalization’s trend and its unsafe effect, as well as to reorganize unbridled capitalism. The movement of anti-globalization places focus more on human decency and economic efficien cy versus profits and corporate competition at any price (Held and McGrew, 2007). This paper will examine how arguments of anti-globalization gravely undervalue the benefits that globalization has delivered for all countries. Some of the economists argue that globalization is considered as positive development because it will increase employment opportunities as well as develop new industries in the emerging countries.

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