Friday, August 2, 2019

Communication Is the Key to Teamwork Essay -- Teamwork

There are many different benefits to having diverse dynamics within a team. Communication seems to be the key to making the dynamics of a team work. A team is very much an interpersonal relationship with many potential benefits as well as pitfalls. The dynamics can often cause conflict within that team which can negatively affect the team's performance. It is common for people on a team to try to ignore or bury problems due to a desire to not create a scene. This can be very destructive because the issues do not get resolved. There are some specific steps that can be taken to resolve that conflict. When it comes to resolving an issue, the methods of doing so can be as dynamic as the team itself. Dynamics are the forces at play that influence the behavior of a group. The feelings of inclusion or exclusion and who is responsible for what or how happy they are with it are some of the dynamics. How the meeting place or office is laid out, openly or as cubicles can affect how a team communicates. The enabling of hidden or side communication verses open group communication can adversely affect a team and the attitude. Rewards and recognition for great ideas and jobs well done should be given fairly and equally. No one should seem to be getting more privileges than others in a team. This could harbor feelings of resentment with the other members of that team. The way in which a team goes about solving problems, company policies or, the "status quo" can also affect the performance of a team (Team 2013). Team dynamics provide great benefits of social interaction and communications. Social benefits of team dynamics includes interactive learning, exchanging different ideas, sharing opinions, supporting team members with any prob... ...heir own or with the help from a mediator (2011, Pg. 158, Par. 2). As the old saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure." The dynamics of a team can be very diverse. Sometimes that's good and sometimes it's bad. It is so important to extinguish all issues from the very beginning because otherwise they lie buried and slowly build into something that is blown out of proportion. It is important to safeguard the team from this by setting up a system of routine meetings, and team rules to where people have a chance to discuss and solve potential problems in an open unbiased forum. References DeJanasz, Dowd, Schneider. (2011). Interpersonal Skills in Organizations. New York. McGraw-Hill. Pgs. 158-248. Team Technology (2013) "Team Dynamics", Para 5. Resourced: 13 Mar. 2015 from

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