Sunday, August 25, 2019

Can video surveillance protect us from terror Essay

Can video surveillance protect us from terror - Essay Example They have variable social structures within the society, which needs to be maintained well to ensure no disparity occurs, that can trigger off unsocial behaviour. It has today become pertinent that the society takes care of its people and ensures a safe and secure habitat for them. Society Today With the modernization and advancement of technology, society has undergone a dramatic change (Volti, 2005). It no longer is a domicile, safe and secure place for people. It is said that power brings with it tremendous responsibility, but we are not fulfilling our end of the responsibilities. Today there has been a change in the world due to much technological advancement, all achieved by humans towards the betterment of the society and standards of living .However, not all of the inventions and discoveries have had a positive impact on the world, the glaring examples would be nuclear weapons, satellites and modern weaponry. These have brought in a craze for power within the world leaders and no one wants to take a back step when it comes to flashing their ingenuity. The other major social problems faced globally are – unemployment, economical misbalance, lack of proper education, violence and drugs. Social issues like these cause an imbalance in the smooth functioning of the society as a whole. However, on a positive note, everyone in the society are seen to make conscious efforts to bring about changes and try to eradicate these issues at the earliest. Society and Security Tremendous technological advancement on one hand opened up a world of opportunities for individuals, businesses and even Governments, while on the other hand, ushered in the concern for safety and security in the society (Wood & Dupont, 2006). There are tools and techniques made available to disrupt the normal functioning of the society. Hence, it has been globally accepted that security plays an unprecedented role in the well being and upkeep of the society. Implementing good security system s takes time, money and individual discipline. Security today needs to be a collaborative effort by the industries, businesses, governments and individual citizens. Society exists at all due to the basic human requirement for security and safety. With modernization, the security aspect of society has grown complex and dynamic as well (Rusteikiene, 2008).Globalization and interdependence have to an extent affected the foundations of society, making it more vulnerable and security an integral part of the society. It is believed that security strategies should be made pliable rather than hardened rules and should be made such that society can absorb and respond to attacks rather than collapse on a whole. Aspects of Security The concept of security in layman terms would be providing protection and safety to human beings, infrastructures, businesses and anything that is of great value and importance. In most instances it has been observed that the actual security measures provided are fa r less effective than how it is perceived to be. For e.g. we have all modern equipments to detect earthquakes, however it has been observed that in most cases it occurs suddenly , where we are unable to prevent a natural calamity and its consequences. Today we can categorise security types to be of the following: Information Technology, monetary aspects, political sphere and all other public domains like the airports, hospitals, and

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