Thursday, August 1, 2019


TRANSVERSAL PROYECT ENGLISH ATELOPHOBIA Grammar Oral Literature Marina Cecilia Garcia Contreras Rodrigo Hernandez Martinez Ilse Navarrete Salazar Diego Rodriguez Castro 4 °A Why we chose this problem? People too often become victims of Atelophobia in other words ‘fear of imperfection'. But one should always remember that mistakes are eye openers. They add to a person's experience. Mistakes are very normal. Till the time, you do not try to do a thing that you have never done before, you cannot do it. Any kind of fear of failure in doing that task perfectly is just a blocker.In my point of view I can say there are many things that this phobia makes you very insecure one is that you learn from mistakes , if I want to be perfect how can I make a mistake ? Hypothesis We think that atelophobia exists because all the influence of the media. Nowadays television, radio, magazines and many others, try to make people think that they should have an specific profile; they tell them they s hould be skinny, beautiful, tall, white and many others stereotypes that make people afraid of not being good enough and try to do many things to be perfect, but this can’t happen and many people have terrible consequences because of this.Problem Atelophobia is the fear of not being good enough. This is such a common problem that many people suffer and it’s getting bigger and bigger everytime because of the influence of the media and because people believe in all it says. It happens principally in teenagers because they are more involved in social pressure and many times they don’t accept themselves because of this. The worst part is that this can cause many others problems in them such as anorexia, bulimia, bullying and many other physic and psychologic problems. ConclusionsWhat we learn about this problem is that it is psychological, but in a big amount it is caused by society, we are often influence by the things people says and considers it is â€Å"perfect ion†. In addition, they always promote the ideal stereotype, with certain characteristics like being skinny, tall, white and what they consider beautiful, it appears in many ways of media like television, magazines, radio, etc. Even if we don? t notice, it causes a lot of damage in people, being obsessed with your image can have some terrible consequences. What we, as a society, can do about it is to stop caring about what people say, you don? need to have perfect physical appearance, just accept yourself as you are, be happy and feel confidence with your image. We have to start by making people know that being judgmental really can hurts the feelings of the other persons. This problem is nowadays very common, not accepting yourself can cause many horrible deceases like anorexia, bulimia, vigorexia or worse, suicide. We really have to stop this problem; it will take us time because we are used to be influenced by what all the people think, we should start with campaigns agains t stereotypes. Photos:

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